Run Errands - Check List Done!
Grocery Shopping - includes placing grocery in fridge and pantry
Personal Shopping - in store or online
Post Office Runs
Bank Runs
Dry Cleaning - Drop-off and Pick-up
Laundry Services - wash, fold and put away
Wash comforters/blankets at laundry mat - fold and place at residence
Film/Prescription drop-off and delivery
Reserve dates and location for holiday and personal parties
Video/DVD Pick-up and returns
Take out trash
Water Grass & Plants
Await repairman for home or business
Bring lunch to kids or staff
Bring dinner to home randomly or on specific days
Plan an intimate dinner
Polish silverware
House sitter
Pick-up mail and newspaper
Copy/Shipping Errands
Goodwill Drop-Off
Library Drop-Off
Feed Animals
Travel research and Arrangements
Assist in packing (vacation or house move)
Holiday Helper
Gift Wrapping
Prepare boxes mailing
Nanny Services
Holiday or regular store returns
Specialized shopping: Lowes, Menards or Home depot
Christmas Tree Set-up
Holiday Decoration Assistance
Assist with garage sales
Order and Pick-Up bakery items or orders
Event Assistance
Cut Vegetables and Fruits
Dinner Preparation